1. Madina

    Since I started in our chcruh in January I’ve learned a lot about how chcruh services are structured. The chcruh I’m at would be described as traditional in terms of hymns / service structure (prayer / hymn / announcements / hymn / sermon / hymn / breaking of bread service.) This seemed to me to have been the case for many years.However what I have learned is that this structure appeals to many people, including those new to chcruh as it is regular without being predictable, and they know what’s going to happen. In terms of the traditional nature of our praise etc, we are working with what we have, rather than grafting in new approaches from outside. The members of our chcruh would welcome new approaches/methods within the chcruh as long as the message of the Gospel wasn’t diluted / distracted from as can be the case in new approaches of chcruh. I’d also like this to be organic as new people with creative gifts join the chcruh and are encouraged to express them to the glory of God.We sit / we stand / we pray / we preach / we laugh / we cry / we sing / we’re quiet / we chat / we listen I think without being prescriptive that’s what the chcruh is supposed to do!We’re structured enough to enable people to not feel out of place but we’re flexible enough to adapt the service depending on what’s happening That’s us I’m not saying it’s right or wrong or it couldn’t be amended slightly but, it’s just us.